Thursday 27 June 2013

What is Life after Death? Does it matter?

What is Life after Death? and why it matters.

Understanding what death is about would transform our lives to a considerable extent. In the last few decades the medical profession seems to have come to regard death as an enemy to be fought. Many doctors actually believe that they have some control over postponing death.

Medicine is great; it helps us to live healthier lives at times. Doctors have a vital role to play. But the underlying reality is that we each create our own reality by the habitual thoughts we hold dear to us, and we choose to live or die.

The body tends naturally towards health! Endless advertisements bombard us these days about all sorts of ailments that we might have if we don't take the pills they are selling. How long before they tell us: "One in six of you are already dead and you don't know it. Contact your mortician for a check-up!"

Death is part of Life as we have set it up here on this particular earth plane. Our cells die all the time, and we still live on. Birth and Death are the Entrance and Exit doors to this reality. Therefore we must accept death as part of our plan.

Knowing that you will live on after death is bound to change how you live your life. If you knew you would have to face yourself, and also face all those with whom you interact, you would think twice about ever doing anybody deliberate harm.

Perfect justice is found in facing yourself in the Light. There is no separate external Judge awaiting you. Many of those passed over speak of vividly reliving their lives and seeing everything, both good and bad, as it affected those around them. If you cause pain to someone deliberately or even thoughtlessly, you get to enter into that pain and feel it for yourself. You don't need anybody to rebuke you or punish you; you feel it so deeply.

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