The Church of England in 1937 set up an investigation into the matter of communication with the dead, and the report was completed in 1939. The Church then more or less suppressed its publication.
It can now be seen online.
It is interesting to see the arguments about lack of scientific proof, but they do have to admit that their own teachings lack scientific proof as well.
It is a fascinating fact that one of the authors, Archbishop Lang, is recorded as communicating to Leslie Flint after death and apologizing for his part in suppressing the report.
There are many problems associated with after-death communications, depending on the state of those involved and the level of fear that can exist, and those opposed to the idea always stress this aspect.
I have found nothing but Love and Light and great edification from around ten different sessions over the last few years. Love casts out Fear. Fear creates demons and devils that have no actual existence in Basic Reality. The Devil is an invention of Fear.
I am not a Spiritualist; some of their official beliefs include the idea of retribution for sin, and I do not think this is an accurate picture of what happens. Also, Leslie Flint himself, who was a powerful direct voice medium for fifty years, gave an address in which he lamented the low level of activity of many spiritualists compared to what they could be achieving with their gifts. This is not to criticize; all communications however patchy can bring enormous comfort. It is not a perfect world, and it's not meant to be.
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