Friday, 21 June 2013

What is life after death?

Religion and Science parted company during the last four to five hundred years. Partly this was due to the Church refusing to accept the evidence that went against its traditional teaching. This is the drawback of establishing "once-and-for-all" Truth; you simply can't accept any progress even when the evidence is staring you in the face. For centuries man believed the earth was the centre of the universe and everything else revolved around it. The idea that the earth and planets revolved around the sun was regarded as blasphemous heresy and people were actually burned at the stake for suggesting it.

Nowadays the images taken by the Hubble telescope and other such equipment dwarf these ideas completely; no longer do we think of heaven and earth in the old cosy terms. There are numberless universes out there and we can't find any boundary so far.

In spite of this, both scientists and religious believers still cling to the absurd notion that there is no life anywhere else except here on earth. This was excusable in the past when we could see the sky as a dome over the earth and we knew the movements of the stars in time and space. Believers could be content with a God in Heaven and his apparently flawed creatures on earth. Atheists could postulate that it was all a random accident and would dissolve into meaningless nothing again.

The fact that we can now see endless universes in previously "empty" space would suggest that there is in fact no empty space at all anywhere. There are simply infinite dimensions that we do not understand. Physical life is a tiny but vital part of a spectrum of dimensions.

So what is the evidence for Life after Death?

First of all, the vast body of evidence provided by psychic experience is valid. Both Church and Science have battered the reputation of psychic experience so brutally and consistently that many people are afraid to acknowledge its existence. Yes there have been, and there still are, fraudulent mediums who take advantage of people in distress. This does not invalidate the true reality of psychic experience. Everything real can be imitated. Because your wife or girlfriend fakes an orgasm, does this mean orgasms don't exist?

I personally used to believe in traditional Christianity and then I left it because I became disillusioned with the distortions that had taken it away from the simple truths that Jesus had apparently taught. Like many others I then became agnostic, believing that in all probability life was brief and accidental and ultimately meaningless.

I now know from several sources that life never ends. We are alive both before and after this current life. Death on this earth is merely a doorway into another reality that is greater than this one. There is no place of the dead. There is no traditional heaven and hell. Immediately on passing over through what we call death we are alive in bodily form in a realm of being not unlike earth in many ways, but much better. We survive as personalities; we meet up with old friends and loved ones; we continue to develop and learn; there is music and dancing, fellowship, social intercourse, and much more.

This means that the idea of a physical resurrection of the dead is a great error. It is not necessary to raise the dead, because there are no dead. There is no place where all the dead are asleep awaiting judgement. I think it would be better if the Christian Church would revise its opinions on this. The Church of England did set up an inquiry into psychic matters in 1939 and ended up suppressing it because they did not like what they saw. The Church of Scotland also set up an inquiry in 1923 and a member of the team, Sir Arthur Findlay, went on to promote spiritualism afterwards.

I intend to continue to discuss my findings on this blog. If you wish to have a fuller explanation of my reasons for saying all this have a look at:

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