Thursday, 20 June 2013

Thinking makes it so.

You create your life by your own thoughts.
This a literal, physical truth. The very body that you have is created in the "now" by your own inner thoughts. The physical world we live in is the solidified manifestation of our individual and collective thoughts.

This means that you are never a victim of outside influences, unless you allow it. This has enormous implications; it is a complicated subject and requires a lot of study to be able to understand it. People get angry when you say there no victims; you have to learn the context of this truth. Nothing ever excuses the perpetrator of abuse or violence in this physical reality, but the overall context of our multidimensional life is one where each person is ultimately responsible for what happens to them. There are many who willfully misunderstand this statement because it is easier to claim victim status, especially on behalf of others, than to work out our own salvation.

There are many levels of consciousness underlying the physical world that we know. Most of us are aware of the subconscious mind, but there are many more levels. The soul is not contained within you, but is in fact the larger part of you that cannot be fully manifested in flesh. It is more accurate to say that you are a small part of your soul; your soul is too vast to be squeezed into your body. Yet every tiniest part of you has everything that belongs to the whole, just like a hologram.

There is a life plan, which you yourself planned, but nothing is predestined as such. You create and live the life in every moment, maybe sticking to the plan or making detours within the overall setting. There is no destiny of doom or place of failure and punishment. Earth is about learning how to handle the energy of our thoughts.

On this site we are going to explore the evidence for this, plus a lot more. There have been so many distortions over many centuries and millennia. These distortions may well have just been a vital part of our evolving consciousness and therefore useful rather than wrong.We will always have distortions, but hopefully they will be less and less.

Hundreds of great religions have come and gone. To those who were devoted to them in their time the idea of abandoning them would have been unthinkable. The current main religions in our world still have enormous influence on our collective thought processes. They cannot just be abandoned because atheists dismiss them. Yet Thought evolves, and the enlightened person is the one who is open to forward movement. Religion is a collection of Thoughts, and no thought stands still for ever.

Christianity is already under stress because the effort to preserve it in its "purity" is not working. Various issues, such as the intolerance of homosexuality and of women's equality, to name two of the main ones, can no longer be sustained in our modern society. Christianity must evolve, or else it will become irrelevant. It will become a set of ideas in a pickle jar on a museum shelf.

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