Tuesday, 25 June 2013

More about Life After Death

It is possible to reject all religious thought and still acknowledge the reality that life is never-ending.

When we look into the history of all religions, including Christianity, we see massive storms of conflict about doctrines and philosophies. Anti-religious thought is full of the same kind of thing. Science freed itself from religion and then went on to be just as intolerant. The seething mass of human thought is almost frightening.

Today we need to exercise very fine discrimination to discover eternal truths that are always there under the mass of conflicting intellectual argument.

It may seem a cliche, but truly the answers are within each individual. Follow your own instinct and thought.

Yet outward scientific knowledge does not any longer contradict what has been known mystically since the dawn of time. Atoms and sub-atomic particles are now known to be capable of being present in many places at once. Logically then, since we are made up of such particles we too are capable of existing in many realities at once. Our basic reality is greater than the physical part of us that we currently know. We have deliberately chosen to focus on this existence to the extent of shutting out the greater part of us. We have a purpose in this which is evolutionary.

I recommend "What the Bleep Do We Know", both book and DVD, and "Through the Wormhole", the series of DVDs narrated by Morgan Freeman, in order to get up to date with the stunning discoveries of modern science. I find it frustrating that many people still quote out-of-date science to support theories that say life is random and accidental. There is overwhelming evidence in modern science that huge intelligence creates all universes.

Our perception from this limited viewpoint of exploding stars and black holes etc. may be very misleading. An exploding star, for instance, far from dying, may actually be progressing into a new plane of existence, just as we at death progress to a higher plane of existence. The cosmos is one thing in our perception; it is in basic reality something beyond our perception that one day we will discover when we evolve that far.

Since time is a local illusion, of course, humanity is already evolved to dimensions so glorious as to be completely beyond our imagination. Those molecules and atoms that make up your being already have a presence in those realms.

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