Thursday, 4 July 2013

Your Thought Creates Your Reality

Your Thought Creates Your Reality

I have found that all sources of higher wisdom, including those "channeled" through various psychic mediums, stress the literal reality that Thought is what creates all realities, including the physical.

On a very basic level most of us accept that how we think about the day, or about the people in the office, or about the weather, very much affects our emotions and state of happiness or otherwise. If you habitually associate rain with misery then you are not happy on rainy days. Yet it is perfectly possible to enjoy a rainy day and make the experience one of joy and contentment just by changing your attitude.

The principle of Thought Creating Reality includes the above but is much, much deeper. You can create your dream house or your dream job or meet your soul mate by the process of internal thought. It may take time, maybe longer than you would wish, but it is a genuine process that is in line with universal law. Your Thought, focused correctly, will not, cannot, fail to materialize.

It is known that in the next dimension to this one, which is on the other side of the door we call death, our thoughts have an immediate effect. There is not the time-lapse that we have in this current earth experience. The time-lapse is built in here because we are just learning how to use our energy and thought. Imagine if you lost your temper and you were able to kill somebody on the spur of the moment by the viciousness of your thought.... Thank goodness for the time delay.

Begin a process of powerful thought today.

First of all, make sure you are thinking your own thoughts, not someone else's. One of the greatest regrets that people have at the end of this life or in the next dimension is that they did not go by their own instincts and thoughts. They were led by the nose, told what to do and think by religious leaders or by society leaders, newspapers or other influences. You will not achieve your personal goals by thinking other people's thoughts. You do not need a guru either.

Secondly, take some time to find out what you really desire for yourself. Find up to five core dreams that define who you really are, and who you want to be, and devote your inner thoughts to those dreams every day.

Thirdly, once you've identified who you really are, don't give up on your dreams, ever. They must manifest. It is the law of the universe. Focus on the outcome, not on how it will happen.

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