Death is not the End
Why do we cling so tenaciously to old myths that are so obviously medieval and preposterous? How do we encourage ourselves to move out of our safe comfort zone and evolve to higher and more sensible ideas?
Is "God" Love, or is "God" an angry vengeful tyrant? He can't be both.
The most glaring contradictions are accepted every day in our attitude to "God". Whether or not "God" exists in the forms we have imagined is not really important. What is important is that there is a Source, All-That-Is, outside of ourselves in which we have our existence. There are at least five avenues of proof that is the case:
1.People who suffer near-death-experiences and are later revived all speak of encountering a "presence" which is not humanoid but which radiates pure Love and Energy. One of the most recent accounts of this is by a neurosurgeon who is able to counter the skeptical claims of many of his colleagues. [see the book, Proof of Heaven, by Dr. Eben Alexander].
2.A second avenue of proof is found in the accounts by people under hypnosis who have remembered not only past lives but lives between lives. [see the book, Journey of Souls, by Michael Newton]
3. A third source of proof is a vast amount of genuine material accumulated through psychic mediums. [see, for example the following website]
4. A fourth proof is now obvious in the amazing discoveries of modern science. The universe is not empty anywhere but is pulsing with intelligent life in many dimensions, dimensions that move through each other. [see dvds, "Through the Wormhole" Series, narrated by Morgan Freeman.]
5. A fifth source is another huge body of material accumulated by people who know how to travel out of body. [see both the Munro Institute and the International Academy of Consciousness.]
We are not sinners in need of salvation, and neither are we defective psychologically as Freud and others would have it. We are in the process of evolving. Death is not the end, and we do not await a resurrection because we live on immediately, fully awake and more alive than ever.
All these things are easily provable if we would stop listening to tired old traditions of worn out religions, and also stop listening to the idiotic theories that Life is random and accidental.
see also my own book, "Wings of the Dawn, Finding God Beyond Religion and Darwinism, and Making Sense of Bereavement" at
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