Friday, 19 July 2013

Change is Necessary for Growth, Death is not the End.

Death is not the End

Why do we cling so tenaciously to old myths that are so obviously medieval and preposterous? How do we encourage ourselves to move out of our safe comfort zone and evolve to higher and more sensible ideas?

Is "God" Love, or is "God" an angry vengeful tyrant? He can't be both.

The most glaring contradictions are accepted every day in our attitude to "God". Whether or not "God" exists in the forms we have imagined is not really important. What is important is that there is a Source, All-That-Is, outside of ourselves in which we have our existence. There are at least five avenues of proof that is the case:

1.People who suffer near-death-experiences and are later revived all speak of encountering a "presence" which is not humanoid but which radiates pure Love and Energy. One of the most recent accounts of this is by a neurosurgeon who is able to counter the skeptical claims of many of his colleagues. [see the book,  Proof of Heaven, by Dr. Eben Alexander]. 

2.A second avenue of proof is found in the accounts by people under hypnosis who have remembered not only past lives but lives between lives. [see the book, Journey of Souls, by Michael Newton]

3. A third source of proof is a vast amount of genuine material accumulated through psychic mediums. [see, for example the following website]

4. A fourth proof is now obvious in the amazing discoveries of modern science. The universe is not empty anywhere but is pulsing with intelligent life in many dimensions, dimensions that move through each other. [see dvds,  "Through the Wormhole" Series, narrated by Morgan Freeman.] 

5. A fifth source is another huge body of material accumulated by people who know how to travel out of body. [see both the Munro Institute and the International Academy of Consciousness.]

We are not sinners in need of salvation, and neither  are we defective psychologically as Freud and others would have it. We are in the process of evolving. Death is not the end, and we do not await a resurrection because we live on immediately, fully awake and more alive than ever.

All these things are easily provable if we would stop listening to tired old traditions of worn out religions, and also stop listening to the idiotic theories that Life is random and accidental.

see also my own book, "Wings of the Dawn, Finding God Beyond Religion and Darwinism, and Making Sense of Bereavement" at

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

New Age Consciousness

New Age Consciousness?

We are often told that human consciousness is entering a new phase, and there are many reasons for believing this.

It is no accident that the population of this earth consciousness has risen at a fantastic rate since around 1800. This is not just about health or physical breeding. It must be designed to push us forward, along with the strides in our ability to communicate through mobile phones and the like.

However, there is probably not a single great event that will raise us up in a magical lift. Evolution is slow painstaking work. It is accomplished by great effort and patience.

One of the things that would aid our progress would be the realization that the religious and scientific myths that formed our outlook up until now are to be discarded in favour of more sensible views, such as:

Death is part of Life.

 It is only a doorway to a new dimension. It is not our enemy. Yes, it is extremely sad to lose a loved one, even though it is a temporary separation. But that loved one is not deprived in any way. That loved one is very much alive and a great deal freer than we are here in this version of reality. There are no dead people! We need to wake up to this fact!

Time is a local illusion.

All our lives, past, present and future, are actually taking place simultaneously in the great Now. We are on stage, as Shakespeare said, acting out dramas for our own development. The stage is real enough, but it is not as real as the Basic Reality of all things, and like any stage it gets rearranged for each scene.

We are not sinners.

Even a casual look at statistics would show that the vast majority of people never go to prison or create any trouble. The so-called news programs distort this reality by concentrating on sensational bad events, so that we sometimes feel the world is a Bad Place.  It is not. Most people don't even experience war. Most people are consistently very kind.
We are not sinners, as various religions would have it. Neither are we screwed up inside as Freud and similar  people would have it. We are working out challenges in the evolution of consciousness, and this never ends. If we come to perfection we would wither and die, and that cannot happen.

It is time to drop these negative views of who we are. That way we will raise our consciousness to a new level.

Friday, 5 July 2013

Getting a Stronger Grip on Thought

Building Power of Thought

Watching some superb tennis today reminds me that all of us can get an increasing power of thought if we consistently apply ourselves every day to the core dreams we have established. You can feel the doubts getting weaker and weaker, giving way to a feeling of exultant strength of intention and purpose.

We do have help from guides and friends, but the power increases mainly by our own individual belief. "I am the captain of my soul" is a line from the poem Invicta, and Nelson Mandela famously got strength from that.

When life seems tough dig deep into the inner self and you will find resources of strength that you hardly knew you had. That strength, once called up, will stay with you and you will be permanently stronger than before. It is the law of an evolving universe.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Your Thought Creates Your Reality

Your Thought Creates Your Reality

I have found that all sources of higher wisdom, including those "channeled" through various psychic mediums, stress the literal reality that Thought is what creates all realities, including the physical.

On a very basic level most of us accept that how we think about the day, or about the people in the office, or about the weather, very much affects our emotions and state of happiness or otherwise. If you habitually associate rain with misery then you are not happy on rainy days. Yet it is perfectly possible to enjoy a rainy day and make the experience one of joy and contentment just by changing your attitude.

The principle of Thought Creating Reality includes the above but is much, much deeper. You can create your dream house or your dream job or meet your soul mate by the process of internal thought. It may take time, maybe longer than you would wish, but it is a genuine process that is in line with universal law. Your Thought, focused correctly, will not, cannot, fail to materialize.

It is known that in the next dimension to this one, which is on the other side of the door we call death, our thoughts have an immediate effect. There is not the time-lapse that we have in this current earth experience. The time-lapse is built in here because we are just learning how to use our energy and thought. Imagine if you lost your temper and you were able to kill somebody on the spur of the moment by the viciousness of your thought.... Thank goodness for the time delay.

Begin a process of powerful thought today.

First of all, make sure you are thinking your own thoughts, not someone else's. One of the greatest regrets that people have at the end of this life or in the next dimension is that they did not go by their own instincts and thoughts. They were led by the nose, told what to do and think by religious leaders or by society leaders, newspapers or other influences. You will not achieve your personal goals by thinking other people's thoughts. You do not need a guru either.

Secondly, take some time to find out what you really desire for yourself. Find up to five core dreams that define who you really are, and who you want to be, and devote your inner thoughts to those dreams every day.

Thirdly, once you've identified who you really are, don't give up on your dreams, ever. They must manifest. It is the law of the universe. Focus on the outcome, not on how it will happen.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Act Your Age

Humanity as we know it today is reckoned to be between 200,000 and 300,000 years old. This figure is far from certain but is more likely to be understated than overstated, looking at what evidence there is.

The earth is known to be far older, at maybe four or five billion years, and going through many stages different from its present layout. We are groping in the dark but these figures are reasonable from current knowledge. Current knowledge might well be quite juvenile in terms of time.

Christianity is two thousand years old and claimed originally to be about God saving his sinful race from eternal damnation. Islam is younger. Judaism is a bit older. These three are very closely related.

So what happens to all the humans born before the three religions that have so influenced the world in last two to three thousand years? That would be a time span of about 297,000 years without Christianity, Islam or Judaism....  Think about it!

Divine intervention to "save" the race was cutting it a bit fine?

It is surely time to lay aside the myth of the sinful self and step up to the level of evolving beings who create their own reality.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Don't Carry Guilt

In a supposedly secular society we are still obsessed with Puritanical Guilt.

Society and each of its members reflect the overall state of the country. A sense of guilt carried forward endlessly is negative and destructive for the inner self. Hence our tabloid way of screaming daily at all sorts of "perverts". The louder we scream the more obvious it's supposed to be that we would never do such things ourselves.

Remember: if you feel bad about what kind of person you used to be, it is only because you are a better person now than you were then. Otherwise you would not even be feeling bad about it. Guilt is meant to be a signal; listen to the signal and move on. Carrying endless guilt is against evolution.

The International Academy of Consciousness,, claims from its research that there are only about sixty "serenissimos" -humans who have evolved all the way. If this is true, and we have no way of really knowing, it would mean that those top sixty nearly perfect humans would have experienced everything known to mankind, including all the bad stuff from both sides. Whether the figure of sixty is correct or not, the principle is the same. You evolve through conscious experience. There is no other way. Staggering thought.

We are evolving all the time. We move on and forgive ourselves, or else we stay bogged down for ever.

Only when you forgive yourself can you truly forgive others. We are all drops in the same ocean.

Obsession with evil will produce more of the same. Violence begets violence, including State Violence. Fear will generate more Fear. Learn to rise above the clamour of self-righteousness and just be quietly better every day. Evolution is endlessly slow, and sometimes painful. It includes trial and error, mistakes and corrections, hurt and forgiveness, always driving upwards and gaining new ground.